Master Tom Shamuon has been in the martial arts for over 40 years and currently holds a 9th Degree Black Sash. He is recognized by the past Prime Ministers including the current Prime Minister of Canada, as well as the Ministry of Sport for Coaching Team Canada.
He has been inducted into various Hall of Fames including: the Universal Martial Arts Hall of Fame, United States Martial Arts Association Hall of Fame, World Karate Union Hall of Fame, and North American Hall of Fame.
Tom has been the Canadian National Martial Arts Team Director since 2003 along with the International Director for the International Congress of Martial Arts.
He is the Vice-President and a current committee member Karate Ontario (KO - previously OKF - Ontario Karate Federation). He is the Canadian National Director on the board of Directors for the World Congress of Martial Arts. Recently an official for the 2022 Para Sports Games in Mississauga, Ontario. He is currently an official judge for Wushu Ontario, Karate Ontario (KO) and was an official judge for the 10th World Wushu Championships held in Toronto, Ontario.
A few of his Martial Arts competitive accolades:
He was a member in good standing of Can/Am National from 1990-1995.
He was a member of the PKC (Professional Karate Commission) and on the Board of Directors from 1995-2000.
World Congress of Martial Arts in Cancun in 2001 winning 1 medal
World Congress of Martial Arts in Venezuela 2002 winning 1 medal.
World Congress of Martial Arts tournament in Puerto Vallarta 2003, he was one of the three people to win a Triple Crown for the Masters Division.
World Congress of Martial Arts World Cup Championships in Jamaica winning 3 silvers in Forms, Weapons, and Sparring.